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neolithic culture中文是什么意思

用"neolithic culture"造句"neolithic culture"怎么读"neolithic culture" in a sentence


  • 新石票代文化


  • Genealogy of late neolithic cultures in middle yangtze river region
  • The neolithic culture
  • Peking university campus ; buried ancient tree ; cataclysm ; 5000a b p ; neolithic culture relic
    北京大学校园埋藏古树洪水泛滥事件5000a b p ;新石器时期文化遗物
  • Relationship between economic form transit of neolithic culture and environmental change in liaodong peninsula
  • Donnelly took plato ' s account of atlantis seriously and attempted to establish that all known ancient civilizations were descended from its high - neolithic culture
  • Scholars from china and america show how archaeological evidence proves that chinese culture did not spread from a single central area , as has previously been assumed , but emerged out of geographically diverse , interacting neolithic cultures
  • The bronze culture of the ethnic groups in southwest china , which has a special position in china ' s bronze culture , was formed on the late neolithic culture and its development was under the great influence of the bronze culture of the central plains
  • Based on reviewing debates on how to reconstruct genealogy of late neolithic cultures in middle yangtze river region since 1970s , this paper discusses how to identify intertwined cultures and how to term culture and type in archaeology
  • Prehistoric cataclysms and their impacts on human paleo - culture have been a focus of the scientists in the world . some ancient trees relatively undamaged back , roots and branches were unearthed from paleochannel in the peking university campus . the burying position , the characteristics and the age of the trees indicate that the flowage of ancient yongding river resulted in the event at about 5000a b p . the trees , together with the neolithic culture relic unearthed at the same time , show that the disastrous floods definitely occurred at about 5000a b p in peking area
    史前时期的大洪水及其对人类古代文明的影响一直是中外学者共同关心的问题。北京大学校园内出土的埋藏古树,其埋藏特征和测年数据表明它们是5000a b p前后古永定河洪水泛滥的产物,与古树同时出土的新石器时期文化遗物,提供了洪水给古代人类带来重大灾难的信息。
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